Lent began last week for billions of people around the world. Through this journey of reflection we are encouraged to ponder and set our minds on things above (Col 3:2).
As spring approaches and renewal is on the forefront of our minds what do you find yourself filling your mind with? Are your thoughts bigger than the nuances and annoyances that fill everyday life? Is your mind full or are you mindful of all the things that can bring about growth, flourishing, and resilience?
The great thing about resilience is that it is in your control not anyone else’s.
The great thing about resilience is that even when much is not in your control your resilience is in your control and can be cultivated.
Circumstances are not in your control.
Challenges are not in your control.
Life’s ups and downs are not in your control.
Other people’s preferences and choices that may not match yours are not in your control.
Things taken away from you are not in your control.
Injustices hurled at you are not in your control.
So how do you win battles that never seem to end?
Faith. Resilience. And a mind full with aspirational goals and potential.
Only your indomitable spirit, your boundaries, you gusto, your fight, and your will is within your control.
No matter the challenge your response and your attitude are in your control.
Your perseverance is in your control.
Your mindset is in your control.
Your faith is in your control.
Your belief is in your control.
Your hope for a better future is in your control.
Your actions are in your control.
Of these things be mindful. And flourish towards a fruitful future.
May you be resilient and thrive.
For a mindful March use the tips below and click for a resilience consultation!
Consultations, Speaking Engagements, and Multisession Courses on the science of Strengths and Resilience for individuals, groups, and businesses are available. Click below.
Center for Authentic Resilient Empowerment
#savor #joy #gratitude #grateful #hope #persevere #soar #climbeverymountain #empower #empowerment #courage #perspective #focusonthegood #flourish
